Category Archives: Blog – Guest Blog

Jed & JR Mornings

Jed & JR Mornings

It’s time! Wake up and get your day started with Jed and JR, entertaining and informing you with a Chattanooga spin on the news and more. Taking your calls at 267-1023. Listen on-air at 102.3 FM, online or stream with your favorite app store.MORE

Guest Blogger David Carroll: Who rescues people from a burning house? These guys!

Guest Blogger David Carroll: Who rescues people from a burning house? These guys!

I’m as bad as anybody else.  Sometimes I get into a lazy, stereotypical mindset. I start believing that most 17-year-old boys stay out late, wake up really late, and have only one thing on their mind.  I love it when I’m proven wrong. Let me tell you what happened Thursday night.  Central High junior Jacob…MORE