I’ve got three strategies to help get you started… MORE

I’ve got three strategies to help get you started… MORE
Dear Dave, I’m getting married this summer and about become a stepfather, but my fiancé’s daughter from a previous marriage seems very irresponsible. She’s 20 and lives at home, has trouble holding a job, and she doesn’t really want to work. When she doesn’t have money to make her car payment, she seems to expect…… MORE
Should I help her pay off her debt before we marry?… MORE
Rachel Cruze explores the options…… MORE
Dave always recommends term life insurance, but how long should the coverage last?… MORE
Three myths about hiring a tax professional and why they’re untrue… MORE
I love it when a person has the talent and drive to open their own business, but right now you’re unemployed and looking at going into debt. That’s a bad idea.… MORE
You should never open any kind of joint account with someone when you’re not married…… MORE
Ken Coleman covers zeroing in on your passion and retaining company culture … MORE
Dear Dave, I’m single and a firefighter, and we have a pension plus a 457(b) retirement plan. I’m not contributing to the 457(b) right now, because I’m following your plan and in Baby Step 2, which is paying off debt. Our retirement plan is managed by a big life insurance company, but I know you…… MORE