“Riverfront Nights Compilation 2013″… MORE

“Riverfront Nights Compilation 2013″… MORE
“‘Bending 2014” – highlights of last year’s festival…including proof that the EDM show DID indeed attract a sizeable crowd…which some of the old-school staffers (including that stage manager refused to admit because they “don’t think it’s real music”)… MORE
“Forecastle Festival” 2013 – ‘Elementary Music Festival Test’ / If this looks like the kind of thing you’d like…by all means GO to one. If not…save your money, relationship and sanity and stay home.… MORE
“My First ‘Local Hero’ Entry” – used it to show folks that even technophobic old folks like me can produce a decent video given a little time and some coaching. won for ‘Best Use of Music’… MORE
“Epic Fails” – to prove to some critics that I was only producing and sharing these things due to typical, media-type egocentric narsicism. I noted to them, that I rarely even appear in the videos…then shared this series of screw-ups…resulting in my most “liked” video, shared with the public, up till that time.… MORE
“Cause It’s Fun When You Do It Right!” – the answer to the most asked question from folks who see me paddling on big water…or longboarding…always hitting a peak when i’m spotted “mountain boarding”…at the age of 54.… MORE
Simple beauty.… MORE
(Cumberland) – family vacation to my favorite place on the planet…Cumberland Island National Seashore off the coast of Georgia on the Florida line. (and St. Mary’s, the small coastal town that serves as home to the single ferry that delivers campers to and from the wilderness area) … MORE
simple, no-soundtrack, visualization of just how fast shallow “playground” waters can turn deadly. Followed the drowning of two inner city kids…resulting in an on-air tirade by yours truly against ANYone older than 6 NOT being able to swim. Tired of the excuses…including ‘racism’…I attracted both praise and condemnation for my words AND the production of…… MORE
According to the local “Homeless Coalition”, there was a minimum of $10,000 raised directly due to the public’s viewing of this video. One of the first MAJOR videos I’d done for any reason beyond pure “fun”…I hadn’t even learned how to “ride gain” or moderate the volume of the natural sound on camera and the…… MORE