Check out wildtrails.org!… MORE
This is a rapid sequence of excellent animal & wildlife photos . Don’t blink because you might miss something special . In the last picture, you come “eyeball-to-eyeball” with a Tiger!… MORE
This is the first time I’ve ever put together a video with NO theme, no REASON for existence, not topical thread running through it at all. I’t’s almost 100% pure eye-candy…just random, half-way inspired or (hopefully) inspiring video clips, intentionally kept random. And it’s all set to one of my favorite live tunes (“Smiling Like…… MORE
Below is full verbiage of the memorial statement of the unveiling of the permanent Lee Highway Memorial to the “Chattanooga 5” – and the music video using Cody McCarver’s song, “I’m America” as soundtrack July 16th, 2015, 10:45am. A vicious attack on local military recruiting stations. The heartbreaking tally after a day of senseless violence? Five Dead.…… MORE
Our usual montage of sounds and images from the free Saturday night concert series on Chattanooga’s 21st Century Waterfront….”Riverfront Nights”…is replaced this week by a more somber look at the flag ceremony and other rituals connected to the tragic, unthinkable shooting deaths of 5 members of our Armed Forces 3 weeks ago this Thursday. Today,…… MORE