Category Archives: Blog – Bill B’s Blog

Jed & JR Mornings

Jed & JR Mornings

It’s time! Wake up and get your day started with Jed and JR, entertaining and informing you with a Chattanooga spin on the news and more. Taking your calls at 267-1023. Listen on-air at 102.3 FM, online or stream with your favorite app store.MORE

Bill B Blog 08.28.17: iGen

Bill B Blog 08.28.17: iGen

Gen(i)…or is that iGen…. Can Not Hang. There’s a new book out and I highly recommend.   I’ve only read excerpts but it’s a good one…dealing with.. Those born between 2012 and 1995 (currently between 5 and 22)    Jean Twenge  has dubbed this “Generation” as iGen.   (I kinda like Gen i….but I didn’t…MORE

Bill B Blog 08.24.17

Bill B Blog 08.24.17

I boycotted the NFL for 2 years.   And I had a good reason….not faux-outrage from the right nor the left. But I digress. I hear the calls for protests…for boycotts of the NFL over Colin Kaepernick’s not being signed by any NFL team as quarterback.  They say it’s because of the former 49’ers QB’s…MORE

Bill B Blog 8.18.17

Bill B Blog 8.18.17

All Chill in Coolidge Whew. Now we can all exhale.   Word that the Solidarity with Charlottesville Rally, sponsored by Free Communism, and opposed by White Power Pushers, came off with no violence, no fights, no gunplay, no foolishness, no jerkosity, and no crap was a huge relief to all of us in Chattanooga USA.…MORE

Bill B Blog: August 16, 2017

Bill B Blog: August 16, 2017

Lots has been said about the act of domestic terrorism in Charlottesville Saturday.    1st, the narrative seems to have shifted to just some conservative folks protesting talk of removal of Confederate monuments.   Folks, this is a smokescreen.   The White Power Pushers flashing swastikas and other symbols of hate would like to paint…MORE

Holiday Wet. Jason Isbell Dry. All Good.

I reckon I'm about as wet as I've been with the week of rain in Chattanooga.  It was a week ago Sunday I dug out the Bananna Boat Sun  Amplifier (Illegal in at least 25 nanny states…SPF ZERO!) Since, well it's been damp.  Only times I can recall I was more wet were:  Derby 1983…MORE

Bonnaroo De-briefing

How do you distilll Bonnaroo down to 1 word?   Can't.    But since Less is More… about.. "Happy".    Bonnaroo continues to evolve and this year bore little resemblence to the 1st couple of 'roos.  Yeah still some homage paid to the JammenBand roots of Roo…Govt. Mule stretched out like in the old days….at…MORE

My Sister’s Going to Possum’s Funeral

Of course my sister is taking off work to attend George Jones funeral Thursday.   And I really wish I were with her.  She allows she's always noted similarities between Possum and our late father.   Both drank alcohol to excess.  Both always answered the call to work or perform.  In both cases, those were…MORE

Final 4 Trip to ATL? “L”, Yeah! Let’s Go…

No excuses…..If you've ever wanted to feel a Force Field….Atlanta is the Place This Weekend!   I've been to Final 4.  It is Fun. Lots of Fun. I've been multiple times.  Had Fun Each Time.  My advice to one and all for years is simple:  If you have a chance to be in the City where…MORE