America’s Wealth Management Show

Since 2003, Dean Bar­ber has enter­tained and informed con­sumers with his nation­ally syn­di­cated radio pro­gram America’s Wealth Man­age­ment Show. With a focus on the sec­ond half of the aver­age American’s invest­ment life­time, he uses this weekly plat­form to intro­duce indi­vid­u­als to the sound prin­ci­ples of asset man­age­ment, tax strate­gies, estate plan­ning and institutional-style invest­ing which, in the past, was reserved for only the very wealthy.

Dean, a well-known spe­cial­ist on finan­cial plan­ning and advice, gets to the heart of address­ing indi­vid­ual investors, retirees, pre-retirees and busi­ness own­ers con­cerns about money man­age­ment and their plans for the future by offer­ing advice based on needs and process, not prod­ucts. He has been a reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to national pub­li­ca­tions and broad­cast news pro­grams, such as Fox Busi­ness News, CNBC,, the Inter­na­tional Busi­ness Times, U.S. News & World Report and Forbes. His weekly radio pro­gram fea­tures guests like econ­o­mist Harry Dent and Ed Slott, the CPA often quoted by the Wall Street Jour­nal.

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