I Gave Up My Guns For Lent….and Forever

I do not believe Anyone who has been treated for mental illness should have nor shoot a firearm.     Taking that a step further, I have said I do not believe Anyone who has been convicted of a misdomeanor should have a firearm.   I have been convicted of a misdomeanor (none of your business).  So, this week I have given up my guns.  Their names are Precious Pup and Hong Kong Phooey.  So Pup and Phooey now have new homes in the country where they can discharge and destroy at the drop of a hammer.  Bang Bang.

No I do not have pet names for the guns I gave away.  I support the 2nd Amendment but I feel folks who worship their guns, their high capacity ammo clips, and who will not compromise on guns are wrong.   Too many people and too many guns.  I feel too many people are getting shot.  I feel fear of the BoogerMan (not Boogie…the guy isn't dancing…he's covered in mucus) is….just nuts. 

So.  I gave up my guns. Happily. Gladly. Willingly.  That puts me in the minority.

I think guns are  stupid.  Love 'em, cherish them, but stay the Hell away from me.  

Cut to the Wisdom of Lynard Skynard……..Yeah, You Might Even SHOOT Yoself….

Two feets they come a creepin'
Like a black cat do
And two bodies are layin' naked
Creeper think he got nothin' to lose
So he creeps into this house, yeah
And unlocks the door
And as a man's reaching for his trousers
Shoots him full of .38 holes

Mr.Saturday night special
Got a barrel that's blue and cold
Ain't no good for nothin'
But put a man six feet in a hole

Big Jim's been drinkin' whiskey
And playing poker on a losin' night
And pretty soon, Big Jim starts a thinkin'
Somebody been cheatin' and lyin'
So Big Jim commences to fightin'
I wouldn't tell you no lie
And Big Jim done pull his pistol
Shot his friend right between the eyes

Oooh Saturday night special…
For twenty dollars you can buy yourself one too…

Oooh let me tell you all about it…

Well hand guns are made for killin'
They ain't no good for nothin' else
And if you like to drink your whiskey
You might even shoot yourself
So why don't we dump 'em people
To the bottom of the sea
Before some ole fool come around here
Wanna shoot either you or me

Ooooh it's a Saturday night special
And I'd like to tell you what you can do with it too…

Yep…stuff it.  Be sure it's unloaded…You Might Even Shoot Yo Self…