Free Radio. Free Speech. Pricier Paper.

I knew it wasn't good from the Headline in Saturday's TFP: 'A letter to our readers '.  Not good.  Then hundreds of words later (Inverted Pyramid?) we cut to the chase. The newspaper will raise prices at the rack and at your front door.  In 2000, Newspaper had a 53% share of Auto.  In 2012, 20%.  So, sagging ad revenues mean…….a Pricer Paper.

Reminding all that Radio remains, um, Free.  Yep, there are plenty of ads and endorsements.  But it costs consumers nothing to listen. 

And TalkRadio102.3 gives instant feedback…from consumers…in good times and bad….even forgetable times.   It's a way to stir the pot, solict and share opinions, and offers a pretty decent slice of demographics.

So I chuckle at action and reaction to FreePress editoral writer Drew Johnson.   Guy writes. Gets reaction.  From Tim Gobble to CBL to You Name It, Johnson flings and proves we are an area of Rabbit-Eared, Thin-Skins.   Within hours of the Saturday paper hitting the stoop, Gobble came out with a city of East Ridge News Release blasting Drew's words.  Then this morning…..Fracking Is Good!  Oh the predictable reactive carnage!

I love it. The Action and Rection. Basic Media if ya ask me…..

But I may be cutting back to Saturday and Sunday delivery of the Newspaper.

I'm too cheap.   And I can turn on the radio and get Free Speech.  On a 7 second delay.


Bill B